How to get 3 percent of a number

Here we will show you two methods to get 3 percent of a number. The Number can be dollars, people, or whatever you want.

Method One
You multiply the Number by 3 and then divide that result by 100. Here is the formula to illustrate:

(Number × 3) ÷ 100 = Answer

Method Two
You move the decimal point in 3.00 two places to the left, and then you multiply that by your Number. Thus, the formula becomes:

Number × 0.03 = Answer

The first method is good to use to learn how to get 3 percent of a number. When you understand how, then the second method is faster to use.

How to get percent of a number
We made the tool below just in case you don't have a calculator available. Simply enter any Number and press "Calculate" to get 3 percent of that number.

How to get 3.01 percent of a number
Here is the next tutorial on our list that we created for you.

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