This calculator can calculate the percentage increase from one number to another number.
Please enter the "From" number and the "To" number in the boxes below and press "Percent Increase" to calculate the increase.
Note: This calculator calculates the increase from one number to another. Therefore, the "To" number must be greater than the "From" number for it to be an increase.
All percentage answers are rounded to the nearest two decimals if necessary.
Not sure what to calculate? Try one or more of these suggestions:
What is the percentage increase from 3 to 7?
What is the percentage increase from 20 to 30?
What is the percentage increase from 25 to 55?
What is the percentage increase from 50 to 500?
Percentage Decrease Calculator
The Percentage Increase Calculator on this page only works for Percent Increases. Go here for Percent Decreases.
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