35 is what percent of 18?

When you ask "35 is what percent of 18?" you are asking what share per hundred (percent) 35 is of 18 (35 is what % of 18?). To show you how to calculate the answer we start by displaying the percent formula below:

Whole × Percent
  =  Part  

In the problem "35 is what percent of 18?", 35 is the Part, 18 is the Whole, and Percent is what we are solving. When we enter the Whole and the Part in our formula, we get this:

18 × Percent
  =  35  

To solve for Percent, we first multiply both sides by 100 to get rid of the denominator on the left side:

18 × Percent × 100
  =  35 × 100  

 18 × Percent  
=  3500  

Next, we divide both sides by 18 to get Percent by itself on the left side:

18 × Percent

  Percent  =  

That's it! Above is the fractional answer to "35 is what percent of 18?". To get the decimal answer, you simply divide the numerator by the denominator. Thus, here is the final answer to "35 is what percent of 18?" in decimal percent form:

= 194.444444444444
≈ 194.4444%

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