Calculate Percent Daily Value for Potassium

The United States Food and Drug Administration's Daily Value (DV) for Potassium is 4700 milligrams (mg).

Use this calculator if you know how many milligrams of Potassium is in a serving and need to know what Percent of the Daily Value that serving constitutes.

Milligrams Per Serving:

Potassium DV

Potassium %DV

The 4700 milligrams of Potassium is based on a caloric intake of 2,000 calories. The %DV calculated above is the percent of the Daily Value of Potassium (4700 milligrams) that is in your serving.

Potassium Percent Daily Value is calculated using the following formula:

((APS*100)/4700) = %DV
APS = Amount Per Serving
4700 = Potassium DV
%DV = Percent Potassium

Percent Daily Value Calculators
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