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Percent to Fraction Calculator

Here, you can submit any percent and we will convert it to the simplest fraction possible.

. %


If you multiply the fraction by a number (X) it would be the same as calculating the percent from that same number.

In other words, if you take the fraction and percent from above, then this equation will hold true:

X*fraction = (X*Percent)/100

Fraction Calculator
This fraction calculator is recommended by teachers and is useful for all ages.


How do we convert percent to fraction?

Here is the formula we use:
Percent/100 = Fraction

If the percent you enter is a whole number, then we put your percent instead of "Percent" in the formula to get the fraction, followed by simplifying it if possible.

If your percent is not a whole number, then we still put your percent instead of "Percent" in the formula to get the fraction, but then we multiply the numerator and denominator with a number to make the numerator a whole number. Then finally, we simplify the fraction if possible.


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