According to our latest research, the Value-Added Tax (VAT) in South Korea is 10 percent. Please enter an amount below and press -VAT to remove VAT from Amount, or +VAT to add VAT to Amount.
Note that when you choose to add VAT (+VAT), we simply add 10 percent to your amount. When you remove VAT (-VAT), we calculate what the amount was before 10 percent VAT was added to your amount.
The 10 percent Value-Added Tax (VAT) for South Korea is the standard, general, or most common tax in South Korea.
Certain products or services in South Korea may have a higher or lower tax. You can change the default tax rate (VAT Percentage) in our calculator above if necessary.
VAT Calculators
Here is a list of all our VAT Calculators. It includes most countries in the world.
VAT Calculator for Spain
Here is the next VAT Calculator on our list.
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