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Body Mass Index Calculator

The Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator is a measure to see if you are a healthy weight.

Are you underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese? Find out with this calculator!

Please enter height and weight below and Press "BMI".




Body Mass Index (BMI)

Body Health

Heart Disease Risk

The Body Health and Heart Disease Risk results above are based on the following numbers:

Body Health:
Underweight: below 18.5
Normal Weight: 18.5 to 23
Overweight: 23 to 25
Moderately Obese: 25 to 30
Severely Obese: above 30

Heart Disease Risk:
Low Risk 18.5 to 23
Moderate Risk: 23 to 27.5
High Risk: above 27.5

Heart Disease Risk refers to risk of diseases such as high blood pressure, stroke and diabetes. Very low BMI, which means underweight, is also not good for your heart as it weakens it.

Underweight people also run the risk of developing other problems such as osteoporosis and nutritional deficiency.


Body Mass Index (BMI) Formula

Here is the formula we used to calculate your BMI:


The BMI Calculator is not applicable for children.

Body Fat Percentage Calculator
You may also be interested in your Body Fat Percentage which you can calculate here.


About Our Numbers
To come up with Body Health and Heart Disease Risk results, we looked at different studies from around the world.

We are not sure which one is the best, but we found that the ranges we used on this page are fairly common among different studies.

We are not responsible for incorrect information on our site regardless of reason. This information may not be applicable to you. Do not change your behavior and take action because of this page. Check with your doctor regarding all health questions and issues.


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